
vinyl patchwork by Sasha Ward

Scraps of sample adhesive vinyl.

The long term plan for blocking the view through the bay window and into the sitting room (below) is to make a stained glass window. The short term plan was to use scraps of printed adhesive vinyl, otherwise know as window film, to make a patchwork in the window so we could get rid of the hated lace curtain. The before and after photos show the transformation of the room (mostly by painting it) and the surprising way that the coloured vinyl works. It blocks the view more but lets light through, with none of the droopiness you got from the lace curtain.

Levenshulme window - before and after.

Levenshulme window - inside and outside.

The easy part was the design, kept simple with repeated, accurately cut shapes that could be moved around later. The hard part was the installation, some of the vinyl was too old or bent to stick properly and some of it looked too pale against the opaque colours (which have a white backing that you can see on the photo of the window from the outside) and had to be discarded.

Hexagons are always good, they make the design feel open and slightly curvy, but the three ‘flowers’ we planned, each with a red centre, don’t stand out because of the different properties of the different types of vinyl - it’s like mixing cotton and silk and thinking you wouldn’t notice. This vinyl project is a useful step towards designing the future stained glass window which will be a collaborative effort (this is my daughter’s house). I’ll be advocating that some red stays in.

The red vinyl stands out because it’s the only sample that I didn’t design. The other pieces we used are samples from four projects shown below. One at Millbank House where the aim was to block a building right outside the windows with peepholes remaining, two at the entrance to the same building to cover an over bright lightbox, three next to a maternity bed at Dorchester Hospital where privacy was vital, and four from was a design I always really liked installed as part of an exhibition about public art at Swindon library.

Origins of the vinyl leftovers - temporary commissions for The House of Lords Library at Millbank House (2011), The entrance to Millbank House (2012), Dorchester Hospital Maternity Suite (2019) and Swindon Library (2017).

Attic Windows by Sasha Ward

Left, Attic Windows, patchwork quilt. Right, Attic Windows, stained glass version, 420 x 460 mm

Attic Windows has been always one of my favourites in the patchwork quilt book I’ve had since I was young. It’s got that essential simplicity and a design that is perfectly suited to stained glass as well as patchwork. Because there are only two different shapes in the design you can cut lots of different coloured squares and trapezoids and then decide where the colours are going to go, it’s always more fun if you have room to move and change while you’re making something.

The stained glass version of Attic Windows was made for my grandson’s first birthday last month, I thought the windows, which also look like building blocks, were ideal for carrying the letters in his name, date and location. I was already up to 135 pieces of glass after cutting these and so decided to give them a plain pale blue background (below).

155 glass pieces cut and laid on the template

I used different colours for each row of blocks and each row of the trapezoids around them. To add variation, so that you get dark colours surrounding light as well as light surrounding dark, the trapezoid colours run vertically and the square colours run horizontally.

All the squares are made of flashed glass, meaning there is a layer of coloured glass which can be sandblasted off through a stencil to reveal the clear glass layer underneath. Some flashed glass is made of two layers of coloured glass, like the red on blue for FRANCIS and the red on yellow for WARD (below right). All the trapezoids are made of streaky glass in subtle colours (below left) to frame the bold, bright blocks.

Left, Lettering pieces removed. Right, Lettering blocks sandblasted.

Left, Leading underway. Right, Soldered panel.

My favourite stained glass stage to do is the leading (above left), with these tiny pieces I used up old scraps of the thinnest lead. When the panel had been leaded, soldered and laid on the bench (above right) you can most clearly see the shape of the pattern and a resemblance to the quilt that inspired it.

Left, Cementing the panel. Right, Detail of finished panel in the sun.